The Usefee site is under development. Please continue to use the existing TVR calculator below to calculate a guideline use fee.

Calculate a TV Usefee

Please use the TVR calculator to calculate UK TV usage by inputting the BSF and number of TVRs to provide a guideline fee.

Input the total planned campaign TVRs across analogue and digital TV as specified in the media plan. Assume the campaign is national UK unless stated otherwise.

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Includes a one-off transmission fee equivalent to the BSF: 0

Total: 0

Further information

How does the calculator work?
The TVR ratio reflected in this calculator has been agreed as a guideline by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA), Association of Producers in Advertising (APA) and Equity Trade Union.

What are the use fees based on?
The current Usefee calculator uses TVRs as the key input to measure scale of campaign for TV. Details on the TVR calculation are in the Agreed Documents below. The default option is National.

Where are the Terms & Conditions:
The Agreed Documents for the Employment of Artists in Commercials (2011) is available here. This is the agreed best practice terms and conditions for the engagement and employment of artists in commercials and also contains details on the above TVR calculation. The Agreed Documents have been agreed by the IPA, ISBA, APA and Equity.